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Dispute Resolution

Oak Tree Dural endeavours to resolve disputes in a simple, quick, fair, confidential and transparent manner. The operator will ensure the staff of Oak Tree Dural are trained in internal dispute resolution and the Village Manager receives additional training to be involved in internal dispute resolution.

Where a dispute has arisen, it is management’s goal to:

1. Work towards solving the problem and maintain healthy relationships within the village

2. Determine which dispute resolution process applies

3. Comply with the correct procedure quickly and fairly

4. Use best efforts to resolve the dispute

5. Where this is not possible, refer the dispute to an independent mediator


Oak Tree Dural works through a 4-step process by which disputes are brought to an end. This occurs through:

- a negotiated outcome, where the parties concerned sort out things themselves (known as   our internal dispute resolution document)

- a retirement village complaints service, through Fair Trading NSW, where the parties can   lodge a complaint and an officer will suggest the best way to finalise the complaint

- a mediated outcome, where the parties use the services of an independent mediator to   help them arrive at their own agreement, or

- an arbitrated or adjudicated outcome, where an independent arbitrator or court determines

 how the dispute is to be resolved and makes a binding decision or order to this effect.



The dispute resolution process aims to achieve the best possible outcome through:

- Acknowledgment – we will acknowledge the internal dispute within no longer than 5   working days


- promptness - the issues should be resolved quickly rather than allowing them to escalate   through inaction. The internal dispute will set out an expected resolution date, no longer   than 60 days for the dispute to be resolved

- fair - all relevant parties should be consulted so that all sides of the story are taken into   account

- handled sensitively - disputes should, where possible and appropriate, be resolved in a

 confidential context in order to minimise impact on residents not affected by the dispute

- transparent - the procedure should be made known to every resident.


(02) 9654 1115

0404 808 363

Office Hours

9:00am - 4:00pm


28 Rosebank Ave Dural 2200

© 2021 by Maxims Retirement



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